Information Imaging is the Art and Science of projecting Information.
Ideally, the projected image is clear, powerful, effective and enjoyable. Factors such as expense, efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, approach, audience, level-of-abstraction, organization, navigability, timeliness and upgradeability are also important.
The primary goal of Information Imaging is Communication--the transfer of Image and Understanding from one person or group to another. Communication is my mission.
I combine skills in computers, graphic design, electronics, acoustics, physics, technical writing, photography, human perception, music, and psychology--and use this skillset to maximize the effectiveness of both my client/consultant connections and the final products. The perspective drawn from experience from these domains allows for a more complete understanding of the substance and subject at hand, and more effective communication & educational processes.
What do I produce? Corporate and Product Brochures, Technical Marketing and Sales Presentations, Illustrations, Logos, Animations, Posters, Paintings, Newsletters, Audio and Multimedia masters, Sound Recordings & Remixes, Audio and CD-ROMs.
Sound Visions | Technical | Graphics | Information Imaging | Gallery | Web Design | Clients | Resume